I wrote a guide on tattoos, now for a guide on piercings. Tattoos along with piercings are a great way to express oneself. Many people are into body modification, and to most it is a form of art. I myself have several piercings: my eyebrow, my nose, and my lip. So trust me, I know what I am talking about when it comes to piercings. I have written this guide to help you out since I have done all of this first hand. So here are some step-by-step instructions on how to get a piercing.
1. You need to choose where you are going to place your piercing. Make sure that it is in a place that is going to suit you, and also a place where it won't interfere with your workplace if you work. But then again, you can always get a clear retainer to minimize the sight of your piercing so you won't have to take out your piercing. A retainer is a clear piece of body jewelry that you replace your metal jewelry with so that the hole won't close, while making the piercing virtually invisible. (I personally used retainers when I was working at a very professional clothing store where they were quite strict on piercings.)
2. Find a good piercing/tattoo parlor. Always be sure to go to a professional to get your piercings. Also make sure that all needles and jewelry are sterilized.. Watch the piercer do this! Make sure that your piercer is wearing gloves. You can get HIV or other infections from unsterilized needles and jewelry. You do not want this to happen! Watch carefully. Do not be afraid to speak up if something is not right. Also, pick the correct type of jewelry in case you are allergic to metals of any kind. (I can only use stainless steel jewelry for that reason.)
3. Check the environment. Does it look clean? Do you feel safe? Are you seconding guessing anything? These are questions to ask yourself. You can always back out of a piercing if you don't feel right. Or you can go to another parlor if the current parlor is doesn't "feel right".
4. After you get pierced, make sure that your piercer gives you specific aftercare instructions. Do whatever they tell you to do, and don't divert from it. Do it for the recommended time so that your piercing will heal properly.
5. Try not to touch, rub, or hit your piercing. If you touch your piercing, bacteria from your hands might get into your piercing and infect it. Rubbing and hitting your fresh piercing can cause irritation and possibly infection.
So there are 5 simple steps to follow. Choose where you are going to get pierced on your body. Find a professional parlor. Make sure everything is sterilized. Make sure you feel safe. Take proper aftercare of your piercing with the instructions given to you. Don't touch, hit or rub your piercing so it does not get irritated or infected. Easy as pie! Good luck on your piercing!
Was this guide helpful? Want more information on piercings? Please visit [http://bodypiercingfaqs.blogspot.com/]
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