Friday, December 2, 2011

Septum piercing information

The "word" septum is given to the part of the cavity that acts as a wall of partition between two tissues or cavities. The wall of cartilage between the two nostrils is called the nasal septum. When the cartilage between the nostrils is pierced, to implement a kind of accessory breast, it is called septum piercing.


Septum piercing had been in practice since the times reported. If a larger size accessory is worn in the septum pierced, it improves the ferocity of the watch. It was in vogue during the first ages bring the ferocity on the face and to alert the enemies of the force and to win.


The cartilage wall between two nostrils is pierced through with a needle or thread of gold or silver. The needle or thread is always sterilized before drilling with it. Usually, the bulkhead is pierced in a measure of the width of 1.6 mm. In some cases, the width may be more, and then the piercing should be done with wider instruments such as scalpels, etc. or as some might wish to medically operated.

The nose is cleaned and disinfected before the bulkhead is pierced. Although the procedure can be painful, but in the hands of the expert procedure is completed with difficulty and without complication.

The septum piercing takes about 2-3 weeks to dry and cure, and the lesser traction or even the lightest brush may result in pain and lead to a further complication. But the complete healing procedure needs approximately 6 to 8 months

Accessory size

The percé septum can contain accessory according to the width of the part pierced only. Accessories are in General of 1.6 mm in width, but still more broad accessories are also available. Usually, a ring or a semi-ring is focused in the hole, of various sizes.


The after the session of care is the most important and most difficult in a septum piercing.

After the piercing a small swelling due to a white liquid secretion occur, it is a natural phenomenon in which the body reacts to the piercing. But where the secretion tends to be yellow or green, then this may cause signs of complication.
Even if the secrecy of discoloured fluids, then also it is recommended by experts to keep the accessory within the breakthrough part, deletion attempt may result in a further complication because the traction in the process and take that the accessory output can also close the drill-hole.
The percé septum should be cleaned up with warm water mixed in her sea salt, with a cotton ball with the removed accessory nose.

Means of recovery

If certain rules of style of simple life and appropriate experts guidelines are followed by then percé septum can heal much more quickly.

Any type of alcohol drags the duration of the healing piercing fitment. Avoid drinking beverages of basis of alcohol and even cosmetic products face containing the slightest suspicion of alcohol.
As mentioned previously, the freshly drilled septum of cleaning is a must. Any negligence can lead to infections and even other complications.


Like all sorts of piercing the septum piercing is risky. Inadequate sterilization of the piercing tool or inadequate disinfection of the nose to break could lead to serious diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS. Complications still more risk permanent deformity of the nose.

Sport a large septum piercing and flaunt fabulous accessories in the septum, but with great care taken before and after any kind of body piercing.

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