Sunday, November 20, 2011

Body Piercing Jewelry - alors & maintenant

Body piercing, according to the Bible, there were about 2000 years among nomadic tribes. This art form was very popular and percé people like get their body. But in places like the Egypt, the members of the Royal family were the only authorized for the piercing done. There are many reasons behind this discrimination. It is said that the right to obtain the piercing in Egypt was based on the cultures and the different castes. For example, warriors Roman considered this form of art as a symbol that represents their strength. Their approach to this form of piercing was very practical. At the same time in other cultures, piercing was famous as a method of improving the beauty.

During the medieval period, sentenced masses of many communities and body piercing has prohibited even for members. But it gained popularity after a certain time and people have begun to use it as a method to show their status and wealth. They were used to wear body jewelry so that people could see how rich they were. Was ten years old, this art form has been associated with youth and rebellious nature. Many young people, this was not only the "in" thing but also helped to develop their personality.

Current piercing, body jewelry scenario: with respect to the body piercing in modern times, personal attitudes and the attitudes of society have been associated with. In the current scenario, this change is very interesting. For example, in India, piercing nose and ear piercing has been popular since antiquity. There are various reasons that may be associated with other forms introduced the piercing. The main reason for the popularity of this art form is improvements to adornings and the beauty of the body. The youth of today, it is as a fashion statement. They feel that they can express themselves and stand out from the rest by piercing. Many people engaged for sexual stimulation or increase sexual pleasure. For gay couples, piercing are a form of identification. Can also see many sporting celebrities of drilling and the market is full of the piercing jewelry.

Body piercing jewelry: Nipple piercing jewellery has been very popular since the ancient period and even in these last time, people engage because it is popular to improve sensual stimulation. Jewelry piercing nose is also very popular and star celebrities such as Lenny Kravitz and Madonna sport their nose piercing. Naval drill is also called the belly piercing and young considers that it is very attractive.

Labret piercing jewelry is used to enhance the beauty and trendy piercing jewelry may be worn on labret. People in Central America like it fair. Ear piercing jewelry is devalue men and women. Tongue piercing jewellery is very interesting and stars such as Mel B and Janet Jackson showcase it. Eyebrow jewellery is visible on many celebrities and young people.

Initially, people used metal and wood for the body piercing done, but today many other materials without risk. Steel, silver, semi-precious stones, diamonds and gold are used in body piercing jewelry today. Make sure that a professional is drilling for you.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant on jewellery and diamonds, including body piercing jewellery. When the search for jewelry, we recommend that you only shop in the stores of best online jewellery for piercing piercing loose, diamond rings, diamonds, jewelry fashion, pendants mode of body piercing, body piercing, jewelry, wedding rings and wedding bands.

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