Friday, November 25, 2011

Modified - body piercing

Body piercing has become a significant trend in Western culture. Ear came into practice in the early 1980s, when the modern drilling techniques were invented and becomes toilet. Western culture has not had a history or tradition of body piercing, is regarded by many as the rebellion teenage girls and adolescents as a modification of the significant, ritual body with a cult following, contributing to a sense of belonging. Body art scene began on the West Coast, and now many children and adults can be seen everywhere in the world with rings of nose, eyebrows and lip piercings and stretched earrings. Another facet of body piercing set called piercing is done only for the sensation to be drilled holes in the body is purely for ornament and aesthetic and permanent.

Piercing has its origins 4,000 years, the Middle East, and references to 'Shanf' (nose ring) are recorded in the body. Traditionally, this practice is considered in the African Beja and Berber tribes and among the Bedouin of the Middle East, the wealth and status on a woman's marriage. India of the 16th century, the nose piercing has become fashionable as a trend in the Middle East and the Mughal emperors. Nose of women is most commonly pierced in the left nostril in association with Ayurvedic medicinal principles relating to the female reproductive organs, allowing easier childbirth and relieve menstrual pain. The West nose piercing had just hippies travelling in India in the fascination of the 1960s with Indian culture and saw additional popularity in the movement Punk of the late 1970s as a counterculture, anti-conservative statement.

The ancient Aztec tribes, the Maya and the American northwest native use tongue piercing to offer blood and to appease the gods, often producing a State altered in percé priest or shaman to communicate more effectively with the gods. Commissure and pierced ears is the first registered body piercing examples. The ears pierced in the body of a mummified man found in a Glacier Austrian in 1991 proved to be dated more 5,000 years. Ear piercing has protective symbology in primitive cultures to prevent evil spirits from entering the body through the ears. Ear piercing was not limited to the adornment of women, "as the Roman Republic grew more effiminate with wealth and luxury, earrings were more popular among the men and women;" no less a he-man that Julius Caesar brought back to the reputation and the use of mode rings in the ears of men. ""Jewels and women." The Romance, magic and the Art of adornment women "Marianne Ostier, Horizon Press, New York," 1958

The tribe Dogon of Mali and the Nuba in Ethiopia through their lips to the religious implications. In Central Africa and South American native tribes, lip or Labret piercing is done with wooden or plates of clay, which extends over the upper and lower lips large proportions. Aztec and Mayan elders used piercings labret to signify the panoply and castes with gold in the form of snake disks often decorated bright stones, jade or obsidion. Ivy shell, bone, wood or abalone walrus were used for labrets in the Pacific Northwest native and the Inuit of North of Canada and Alaska. Some of the more extreme examples of ritual lip piercing and stretching can be seen in Djinja women in the region of Chari River of the Central African Republic and Chad. Tribes stretched lips of their prospective spouses in a marriage ritual by which the lip of the young woman is stretched up to 24 cm by adulthood.

The Warrior of the Jaya Iranian cultures, new Gunea and Solomon Islands pierce the septum with the defences of pork, feathers, wood and bone.

The Jaya Asmat tribe pierces the septum to 25 mm with bones of the leg of a pig or a bone of the tibia by an enemy assassinated for ornamentation and prestige. Aztec, Maya and Inca pierced the septum with gold and jade and this custom can be seen in the Panamanian Kuna Indian tribe using rings of thick gold. India and Nepal also practice septum piercing aboriginal tribes. The Indian Himichal Pradesh and Rajasthan nose and septum piercings in northern nomadic tribes called "Koulak" are the best known of nose rings. The Koulak are sometimes decorated with stones and broad enough to cover most of the mouth and cheeks and must be lifted by eating. Pendants are added to the septum piercing in Tibet.

In the more civilized and traditionally sophisticated cultures, nipple piercing was created to emphasize the breasts. In the middle of the 14th century, Queen Isabelle of Bavaria wore dresses with a décolleté extending to the navel, exposing her breasts. This dress has led to the adornment of nipple with diamond studded rings and drilling two nipples, extending a string through both. This style of piercing appeared again in the 1890s Paris where 'rings bosom' were sold and became fashionable in upper class social circles.

Eric Hartwell is involved in the world best Home Page (please visit to read and share opinions) and Jewelry To Love

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